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ETA 11 - Apps for Healthcare Services
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ETA 10 - Health Apps for the E...
ETA 11 - Apps for Healthcare Services
ETA11 1 Apps for Healthcare Services TEACHING SESSION.pdf
ETA11 1 Apps for Healthcare Services TEACHING SESSION.pptx
ETA11 2 Apps for Healthcare Services EXPERIENTIAL TRAINING.pdf
ETA11 2 Apps for Healthcare Services EXPERIENTIAL TRAINING.pptx
ETA11 3 Apps for Healthcare Services SELF-LEARNING SESSION.pdf
ETA11 3 Apps for Healthcare Services SELF-LEARNING SESSION.pptx
ETA11 4 Apps for Healthcare Services CLOSURE SESSION.pdf
ETA11 4 Apps for Healthcare Services CLOSURE SESSION.pptx
Training material for ETA
ETA 01 - General awareness on the relevance of sel...
ETA 02 - How to search and select Health Apps
ETA 03 - Health Apps for Physical Activity
ETA 04 - Health Apps for Rest Routines
ETA 05 - Health apps for addictions and substance...
ETA 06 - Nutrition and relevant Health Apps
ETA 07 - Women’s health and relevant Health Apps
ETA 08 - Newborn’s care
ETA09 - Health Apps for the Elderly
ETA 10 - Health Apps for the Elderly
ETA 11 - Apps for Healthcare Services
Course Options