11 Apps for Healthcare Services (Course11 -EN)


11.3 Self-learning supported by online training tools


  •   Self-Assessment via a Quiz

Duration:  30 minutes

Resources for 11.3

ETA 11.3 Self-learning Session (Online Quiz)
ETA 11.3 Self-learning Session (pdf)

11.3.1 Quizzes and Self-Assessment

Duration:  30 minutes

The trainer will ask the learners to complete two multiple-choice quizzes in the e-Training Platform to check if they have fully understood the main ideas of the teaching session on healthcare services apps. 

This questionnaire will assess:

  • Knowledge of healthcare services
  • Knowledge of healthcare apps
  • Knowledge on how to assess the quality of health care apps

The trainer will check the completion of the quiz and will support each learner depending on their main gaps.
