01 General awareness on the relevance of self-management and Health apps (Course1-EN)


General awareness on the relevance of self-management and Health apps 

This online module is addressed to trainees. 


This module aims to raise awareness of the relevance of health self-management for migrants by helping them to understand the main concepts related to health applications and h ow they can be useful for migrants and for each individual. It also aims to motivate students to engage in the next phases of the project and to develop the basic digital competences to operate in the Health Apps environment.


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This module aims to raise awareness of the relevance of health self-management for migrants by helping them to understand the main concepts related to health applications and how they can be useful for migrants and for each individual. It also aims to motivate students to engage in the next phases of the project and to develop the basic digital competences to operate in the Health Apps environment.

Participants and roles
  • Newcomer migrants; trainees who are interested in understanding the main concepts related to health apps and how they can be useful for self-management of their health.
  • Migrants Peers; learners or trainers after being trained as trainers. When they will attend as trainees, they could play a role of supporting the Newcomer Migrants along the training process, including support in overcoming language barriers.
  • Supports: learners or trainers after being trained as trainers. When they will attend as trainees, they could play a role of supporting the Newcomer Migrants along the training process, including support in overcoming language barriers.
Learning outcomes
  • Learners will be able to identify the health areas more relevant for them.
  • Learners will be able to identify the main areas where their health self-management can be reinforced
  • Learners will know what a Health App is and how they can be useful for migrants and for each individual person
Training Contents
  • Health Self-Management
  • Main healthcare areas
  • What is a Health App and examples
  • How Health Apps can support the Health Self-Management
  • Basic Digital Skills

Estimated Duration: 7:30 hours

  • Teaching session: 1:30 hours
  • Experiential training session: 3 hours
  • Self-learning supported by online training tools: 2 hours
  • Closing session: 1 hour
  • Training materials: ppt. for Teaching Session with 30-40 slides
  • Training Materials: assignments, quizzes
  • e-Training Platform and App Training Tool
  • Health Apps: Examples of Health Apps covering different areas and functions 
  • Other: Complementary readings, videos (“youtube”) contents and tool from existing projects

Kampmeijer, R., Pavlova, M., Tambor, M., Golinowska, S., & Groot, W. (2016). The use of e-health and m-health tools in health promotion and primary prevention among older adults: a systematic literature review. BMC health services research16, 467-479.

Biswas, M., Tania, M. H., Kaiser, M. S., Kabir, R., Mahmud, M., & Kemal, A. A. (2021). ACCU3RATE: A mobile health application rating scale based on user reviews. PloS one16(12), e0258050.

Ahmed, I., Ahmad, N. S., Ali, S., Ali, S., George, A., Danish, H. S., & Darzi, A. (2018). Medication adherence apps: review and content analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth6(3), e6432.



  • Learn about the health-self management
  • Learn about the Mig Health Apps project
  • Learn about the main concepts on Health Apps and Mig-Health Apps programme
  • Learn how to navigate Health Apps 


  • Identify the health areas more relevant
  • Identify the main areas where learners’ health self-management can be reinforced
  • Acknowledge how health apps can be useful for individuals

Duration: 1 hours, 30 minutes


  • Introduce learners to the use of health applications for self-health management

Duration:  3 hours


  •   Self-Assessment via a Quiz

Duration: 2 hours



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